The inauguration day...
Cuban president Fidel Castro expressed his optimism and certainty about the brilliant economical future of the country when he inaugurated the hotel Playa Pesquero and the International tourist pole of the northern coast of the Holguin province. 
He stressed the fact that we are working for a tourism industry of peace, health, and safety; of healthy recreation, culture and rest; without casinos or gambling, without unemployment or beggars, without drugs or crimes, in a country that moves forward with giant unstoppable steps towards a general and complete culture of the people.
Among the most recent results in the Cuban tourist sector, he pointed out that Cuba has put into service 11 international airports and they have been receiving flights from 70 airlines.
Tourism has also encouraged the reanimation of other economical sectors and unemployment has been considerably reduced having reached figures in 2003 of about only a 3%, which is technically zero, he affirmed.
The Playa Pesquero Hotel is an exceptional building, the largest in the whole country and completely built with Cuban funds, explained the Cuban president during the inauguration.
He recalled that before the Revolution in the zone there were only properties with grasslands, sugar cane and unproductive areas. Health care and education for the people inhabiting the zone was almost inexistent.
Nowadays, that region is among the ones with the highest tourism potentials of the country since it possesses 41 beaches, 22 bays, caves, medicinal mud and waters areas, and beautiful underwater spots for snorkeling and d iving. It is also a paradise of flora and fauna, which has been respected in the edification of the new facilities.
The Playa Pesquero Hotel comprised 140 building objectives, 944 rooms, 7 sport fields and courts, 5 swimming pools, and 5 restaurants, among other facilities.
During the high season of tourism, it provides jobs for 770 workers.
Among the main tourist-providing nations for the Playa Pesquero Hotel, there were initially Canada , which accounted for a 36 percent, Germany with a 24 percent, England with an 11 percent, and France and Italy accounting each for a 7 percent of the guests.